Monday, September 14, 2009

Home Tattoo Fading?

If you have been searching for an in home tattoo fading method, you should be looking at the many over the counter tattoo fading creams available. They are typically creams or lotions that are applied on the tattoo to make it disappear. The Home Tattoo Fading creams usually contain skin lighteners or exfoliating ingredients to lighten the appearance of the tattoo. It does take time, but the layers of skin holding the tattoo breaks down and causes the tattoo to lighten.

Home tattoo removal is not a quick and easy process, and these fade creams require continued use over many months. However, home tattoo fading methods are certainly the least painful, and least expensive way to remove an unwanted tattoo.

So be aware that it will take time and require commitment. In the end, your patience will likely bring some results. As home tattoo fading creams are inexpensive and you have your privacy intact, it is well worth the effort to give it a try.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tattoo Fading-Are you gonna try?

Well, the tattoo fading cream prices can range from $20 on up, so do your research and look around online before you buy. If you decide to purchase, realize that it takes time to be effective, and commit to no less than 6 months. If money is not an issue, try other treatments which will range from a few hundred to a few thousand, depending on the size.

In reading forums, I find that about 65% of the people who try tattoo fading creams seem to love them, and stick with them. Those expecting miracle results are disappointed, so understand it takes time to make tattoo fading work. And these products work much better on smaller tattoos also, so be realistic, and you won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How does Tattoo Fading Work?

Tattoo Fading works by effecting the layers of your skin. It goes onto the top layer, the epidermis, and causes it to peel off. It then exposes the dermis, the next layer down, where the tattoo is. In healing the epidermis layer, a scab is formed, which causes part of the dermis to pull away. This will cause some, not all, of your tattoo to fade or remove as the scab falls off.

Obviously, as for the effectiveness of this cream,there are a lot of factors, including how evenly your tattoo was applied into the dermis layer to begin with. Now you know how tattoo fading works, but is tattoo fading right for you?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tattoo Fading - Options for Ink Regret!

Are you looking for a tattoo fading option to lessen the appearance of a tattoo that you no longer love. Well, today there are many creams that work to fade away that ink regret, lessen the appearance, and reduce the need for a physician.

Are you looking for instant results. Well, don't be fooled by miracle ads and hyped sales pitch. You will not get them! No cream can instantly or quickly fade your tattoo. If you are willing to be patient, tattoo fading will occur over time, often you begin to see results within 1-2 months.

Will your tattoo go away? Well, the answer is no, there is no cream that can do that for you. But if you have a light and small tattoo, a tattoo fading cream may work wonders for you!